Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mr. McGregor was right to be upset

Bunnies (or possibly squirrels) invaded my garden. I got some chicken wire from my sister-in-law but it wasn't enough for the entire perimeter of the garden. I'm going to get more today. But, while I waited for the chance to finish the fence, I tried out something I learned on the Gardenerd Tip of the Week Podcast.

She recommended putting bits of bar soap in drawstring bags around your garden. I don't know if this would work for in-ground gardens but it's been great for my container garden! Making the little bags was so easy. I sat outside sewing while my kids played in the pool. It took me all of 30 minutes to finish the sachets.

I cut two bars of Dial into 3 - 4 pieces each. Then, using small scraps of fabric, I sewed little pouches. To make the pouches I just basted around the edges sewing the soap right into the "bag". I scattered the soap around my garden two days ago. Even though I only have half a fence up, I haven't lost any plants since I soaped the garden!
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  1. SOAP! Brilliant. Did you have a squirrel problem too or just bunnies? We mostly have squirrel issues.

  2. I am going to try this in the spring. This past year, our yardbunny fattened itself on all -- yes, ALL of my 250 crocus bulbs. It had no fear of me...it wouldn't even run when I tried to chase it. I was out of my mind...I was like a crazy street preacher, shouting at it, "Don't you know that GLUTTONY is a DEADLY SIN???!" But it ate them anyway.

    Next year, soap.


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